WorkCover Queensland
Work Rehab has had an enduring relationship with WorkCover Queensland since 2011. We are currently one of 44 providers on the WorkCover Queensland RTW Services panel. With our experience comes an excellent understanding of the claims management model within WorkCover Queensland and the challenges faced by claims management teams.
WorkCover Queensland is one of our largest customers nationally and we value the strong working relationship we have developed with them, particularly over the course of the last five years.
We provide a highly personalised and proactive approach to our work and with over 40 consultants from Cairns to the Gold Coast and west to Toowoomba, we have Queensland covered.
Our innovative programs, timely and cost-effective services are the catalyst for our Work Rehab team achieving pragmatic return to work outcomes.
Our early intervention program, Recover at Home, has been a successful pilot program for WorkCover Queensland. In addition, we deliver the Injury Risk Reduction Initiative (IRRI) Psychological Safety in the Workplace Program and the Early Intervention RTW Facilitation Pilot program on site with WorkCover Queensland.
Work Rehab can provide the following services under WorkCover Queensland:
- Workplace Evaluation / Assessment
- Initial Needs Assessment
- Host Employment and work hardening programs
- Suitable Duties Plan development and monitoring
- Vocational Assessments to assist with transitioning into new employment
- Functional Capacity Evaluation (Physical and Psychological)
- Ergonomic Assessment
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Assessment
- Medical Case Conference
- Job Preparation Services and Job Seeking
- Rehabilitation Support
- Adjustment to Injury Counselling
Referrers value our reliable and timely return to work outcomes and practical management of complex claims. They also appreciate our 100% success rate in achieving our service level agreements with customers.

I received incredible feedback about how Work Rehab is a wealth of knowledge so thank you for making a difference to our Customer Advisors - they genuinely appreciate it.